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Celebrating the legacy of Azerbaijan's National Leader Heydar Aliyev

Discover the highlights of the recent youth forum in Hungary, where AYID joined forces with international youth representatives to discuss the legacy of the National Leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev and the importance of youth empowerment.

We are honoured to share our recent experience at an inspiring youth forum in Hungary, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the National Leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev. The event, organized by the Youth Foundation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Hungary, with support from the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, brought together a diverse group of representatives from various countries, academic circles, political parties, and media outlets.

The forum commenced with the singing of the national anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan, followed by an opening speech by Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Hungary Tahir Taghi-Zadeh. The Ambassador elaborated on the historical role of Heydar Aliyev in restoring Azerbaijan's statehood and emphasized the importance of Turkic unity. He also highlighted the successful implementation of the national strategy founded by Heydar Aliyev under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, which led to the great victory achieved in the 44-day Patriotic War.

Farid Jafarov, the Executive Director of the Youth Foundation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, addressed the importance of Youth Day and the attention and care shown to young people by National Leader Heydar Aliyev. He informed the participants about the activities of the institution he represents and its collaboration with youth organizations from other Turkic states.

The event also featured speeches from Javanshir Feyziyev, MP of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and Turkologist Maria Keneshi, who shared their insights on the irreplaceable role of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev in Azerbaijan's history and the unity of Turkic-speaking peoples.

Rafael Hajibayli, the Executive Director of the Azerbaijani Students and Alumni Platform (ASAP), spoke about the essential role of national leader Heydar Aliyev in the youth policy of Azerbaijan. He also elaborated on the activities of the Azerbaijani Students and Alumni Platform and its commitment to supporting young people in their personal and professional development.

The president of the Association for Youth Integration and Development (AYID), Ramil Shukurov, also addressed the attendees, emphasizing the importance of youth development and involvement in Azerbaijan's state policy.

"Development and special attention to youth have always been one of the most paramount directions and components of the state youth policy in Azerbaijan, founded and determined by the national leader Heydar Aliyev and successfully continued by President Ilham Aliyev."

Ramil Shukurov went on to add that the young generation is the driving force of society. He highlighted the necessity of ensuring more active participation of young people in the socio-economic, scientific, cultural, educational, and other fields to guarantee further progress and prosperity for Azerbaijan.

The forum concluded with a captivating short documentary film about the National Leader and a vibrant video presentation showcasing our activities and future plans at AYID. The event served as a motivating reminder of the power of collaboration, dedication, and unity among young people from diverse backgrounds. It is our hope that the conversations and connections made at this youth forum will help pave the way for even greater accomplishments in the future.

Join AYID today to be a part of this global movement for youth empowerment, and stay tuned for more engaging events and opportunities that will fuel your passions and ambitions!

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